August 17, 2008

We LOVE the beach!

We just had the best week at the beach - so good that we collectively took around 500+ pictures. I know that I have to narrow it down because nobody (including me) wants to pull up a webpage and look at 500 pictures of someone else's vacation, so I did my best. Enjoy!
Kate & Mommy - enjoying some time at the pool

Brett & Daddy at the pool

We had one rainy day, so we ventured to the outlets with the rest of NC & SC - it was SUPER crowded, but the kids were great!

Same rainy day - dinner at Calabash

Brett: "Race cars on Poppy's phone"

Day #1 - the kids' first time on the beach since Brett was 7 weeks old

Kate needed a little help figuring out this sand stuff at first.

Free at last!

Surfer kids

Come on - are you surprised??

"Brett's" Sand Castle

Say "Cheese!"

Kate loved digging in the dirt

Kate wants DOWN in a serious way!

Little (wet) ham

Kate & Daddy

Brett & Pa "swimming" in the lazy river around high tide

Kate & Aunt Erin

Brett & Poppy checking out the sail boats

Kate's about to plop in the water while Mom's not looking!

Chase the birds!

Happy girl

Grandpa & Brett enjoying the waves

Grandma & Brett

Little surfer dude


Kate & Mommy

Our view to the east

Our view to the west

Mommy is on construction duty - Brett is the super over this project

Teaching Brett how to kick with the floaties on

Haha - someone left a bottle unattended - it WILL end up in the sand

Baby on the loose

Not really fazed by the water

Buried in the sand

Brett's favorite game - TAG!

Brett was mildly disturbed at he water in the mote

This pink bucket provided literally hours of entertainment

"Goof - ball"

Cute picture - if Kate had smiled - stinker!

Brett & Aunt Dithy - running in the waves, where there happens to be "no no bacon"

Kate's taking Mommy for a walk

The best attempt at a family picture - neither child looking

big group shot

sandy baby toes

Kate & Grandpa

Runaway baby

Check out that trail

Practicing her handstands for the 2024 Olympic Games

Hopefully they won't have sandy floors - Kate doesn't like her hands dirty

"Cool shirts" picture with Daddy & Grandpa

and again with Daddy & Poppy

Grandma & "Pa" with the kiddos

Kiddos with "Menhe" and Poppy

Flying the kite

Check him out - fly it high!

Super excited!

Little surfing babies

Kate & Daddy catching a wave

More kite flying

So high!

Kate wants to go back out and surf

It wouldn't be a week at the beach without real sand castles - check out this octopus

and this castle!

Bye! See you next year!

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